I've just been informed by several people that pirates are beneath their notice. Particularly whenever it comes to a cheezy HK fight scene staged in a friend's backyard against robotic-ninja-jedi. Come on, where are the pirates? Jedi's get waylaid by pirates all the time. I'm sorry, but Luke got his ass handed to him by Han Solo, who, as everyone knows, is a freakin' pirate. Maybe corsair would be a better word for him, but pirate, corsair, privateer, all the freakin' same. Ninja's don't have the same oomph that pirates have. Sorry, have you seen a ninja movie make as much money as the three Pirates of the Carribean movies did? Of course, the last two sucked, but never mind, Pirates are firmly embedded in the sub-consciousness of America. And don't forget when New Orleans was invaded by the British in 1812, who was it that came and helped out Governor Claiborne. Pirates! Jean Lafitte and his merry (make that blood-thirsty) crew of miscreants and mongrels came out and helped turned the British back. Nevermind that the battle was fought after the Treaty of 1812 was signed, and nevermind that the most respected British general (Wellington) refused to come to America to fight the colonists, but still, pirates helped out. Where were the ninja's I ask? Where? Hiding I tell you... hiding...
Here's my friend's blog that has raised my blood to such an ire...
and the best reason why pirates are better than ninjas....
Pirates get more booty.
and oh yeah, there's a pron movie called "Pirates"... don't remember one being called "Ninjas".... yeah, you know I'm right... pirates are better than ninjas...
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